This could be due to the fact that previously I was a wacko size two. It could also be due to the fact that I've never been more constipated in my life and my once flat stomach is not so much emulating a baby bump from gestation, but a poop bump from non-digestion.
Seriously, no poo had emerged from me for 6 days when this shot was taken. I notoriously go on veggie binges and eat a slews of porridge and grains and get foodgasms from particularly juicy fruits, so I don't know WHAT to do about this. In any case, my wee baibai has a nice firm shit shield to lean against...I just wish its limbs were stronger so it would do me a favor and kick it on out.
I've not yet told Mars that the "baby" he so lovingly holds on to while he sleeps is in fact more likely to be my own backed up fecal matter. After all, he still likes to pretend that I fart dainty bubbles of giggle gas or something silly and prude like that. Good thing he doesn't sleep with his head under the covers.
maggie gyllenhaal.